Devon Rex

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devon rex portrait
Roll out the red carpet for the Devon Rex, a feline superstar that's sure to steal your heart and hog your couch! With its playful personality, adorable 'elf-like' ears and a soft, wavy coat that begs to be touched, it's no wonder this breed has created a cat-loving frenzy worldwide!

Join us in this comprehensive guide as we explore everything you need to know about this breed, including their appearance, temperament, care, health concerns, history, and more!


HEIGHT9-10 inches
WEIGHT6-9 lbs
LIFESPAN9-15 years
devon rex sitting at home
Photo: Kitzzeh/Getty Images


The Devon Rex, adored for its unique charm and whimsical appearance, is unlike any other cat breed. This captivating feline is small to medium in size, typically weighing between 6 to 9 pounds, but don’t let its petite stature fool you – it’s packed with character!

Its body, lithe yet muscular, is a testament to the Devon Rex’s playful and energetic nature. Though it is small in size, this breed is by no means delicate. Its strong body and sturdy bone structure allow it to remain agile, allowing it to perform gravity-defying acrobatics that will leave you in awe.

The head of the Devon Rex is a wonder to behold. It’s somewhat wedge-shaped, yet softened at the edges, which gives it an endearing pixie-like expression. Its high, prominent cheekbones add to this charm, making it impossible to resist its allure.

The eyes of a Devon Rex, large and wide-set, are an inviting window into its curious and intelligent nature. They sparkle with mischief and amusement, expressing a never-ending quest for play and companionship.

Arguably, the most distinctive feature of this breed is its striking ears. Large and wide at the base, they’re set low on the sides of the head, giving it an almost ‘elf-like’ appearance. It’s the slight curl at the tips, though, that adds an extra dash of personality, making the Devon Rex truly unforgettable.

One cannot speak of the Devon Rex without mentioning its extraordinary coat. Soft, wavy, and short, it has been likened to both suede and silk, inviting you to reach out and touch it. The coat curls not only on the body but also on the tail, creating a delightful rippling effect.

The Devon Rex’s coat can come in a variety of colors and patterns, from solids and smoke to tabby and colorpoint, making each cat a unique piece of living art.

devon rex lurking on a table
Photo: Sandie Aroha/Getty Images


The Devon Rex, often dubbed as “the clown of the cat world,” brims with an intoxicating blend of affection, curiosity, and mischief. It is a breed that happily embraces life with all four paws, delighting in the world and all that it has to offer. If cats had a zest for life, the Devon Rex would be the poster child.

This breed thrives in the company of their human companions. Devon Rex cats are not the aloof, distant creatures you might associate typical feline behavior with. Instead, they are social butterflies with an unquenchable need for interaction and a knack for making friends.

Whether you’re cooking in the kitchen, reading a book, or simply lounging on the couch, expect your Devon Rex to stick by your side like a tiny, furry shadow.

Despite their tendency to be always by your side, Devon Rex cats are never demanding or needy. They are content simply being in your presence, whether they are actively participating in your activities or just watching from the sidelines. They are like your best friend who is happy to join you on your adventures but equally happy to enjoy a quiet night in.

The intelligence of a Devon Rex is something to behold. These cats are quick learners, agile puzzle solvers, and have an insatiable curiosity about the world around them. They are the Sherlock Holmes of the cat world, sniffing out clues, exploring new environments, and finding joy in the simplest of things.

The playful nature of the Devon Rex is perhaps its most endearing characteristic. They are perpetual kittens at heart, maintaining their playful antics well into adulthood. A simple cardboard box can turn into a spaceship, a castle, or a secret hideout in the paws of a Devon Rex. Their playful energy is infectious, and they can often coax even the most reluctant humans into a game of chase or fetch.

Despite their lively nature, Devon Rex cats also know the value of a good cuddle. They are heat-seekers, often gravitating towards the warmest spot in the room.

Whether it’s curling up next to the radiator, snuggling under the blankets, or nestling into a sunlit corner, they find comfort in warmth and coziness. This trait makes them excellent lap cats, always ready for a snuggle session and purring contentedly at the slightest touch.

The Devon Rex has a heart as big as its personality. They are incredibly loving and form deep, emotional bonds with their human companions. They love unconditionally and are generous with their affection, making them perfect companions for those looking for a feline friend with a human-like temperament.

devon rex sitting on the carpet
Photo: Łukasz Szczepański/Getty Images



The Devon Rex boasts a beautifully delicate coat that requires thoughtful care. Known for their short, wavy fur, these feline friends benefit from a gentle touch when grooming. Lightly combing their coat once a week with a soft-bristled brush should do the trick, helping to distribute natural oils and keep their fur shiny and healthy.

And don’t forget those ears! The Devon Rex’s prominent ears can accumulate dirt, so a regular, gentle clean with a damp cloth is a good habit to adopt.

Exercise and Play

Devon Rex cats are known for their boundless energy and playful nature, making exercise and play an essential part of their care routine. Daily interactive play sessions help keep these felines physically fit and mentally stimulated.

Their agile bodies and curious minds revel in games that involve chasing, pouncing, and problem-solving. Try a feather wand or puzzle toy to keep your Devon Rex entertained. But remember, despite their love for play, they equally cherish quiet time to recharge. Always ensure they have a cozy spot for their well-deserved cat naps.

Diet and Nutrition

Like all cats, the Devon Rex thrives on a diet high in protein. It’s important to feed them balanced, commercial cat food that meets all their nutritional needs. They are also known for their hearty appetites, so portion control is key to preventing overeating.

Fresh water should always be readily available, and occasional treats can be a fun surprise. Remember, each cat is unique, and dietary needs can vary, so it’s always a good idea to consult with your vet about your Devon Rex’s specific dietary requirements.

Caring for a Devon Rex is a joy-filled journey full of playful adventures and heartwarming cuddles. Their needs are simple: regular grooming, a balanced diet, and a healthy dose of both active play and rest. With these in mind, you’re well on your way to providing the perfect environment for your Devon Rex to thrive. After all, there’s nothing quite as rewarding as seeing these charming cats living their best lives.

devon rex walking in the garden
Photo: insonnia/Getty Images


Devon Rex cats are indeed a delightful bundle of energy and joy, with a life expectancy ranging from 9 to 15 years, given proper care and attention. However, like every breed, these adorable felines have certain health issues that owners need to be vigilant about.

Hereditary Myopathy: A disease affecting the muscles that control movement, causing weakness and stiffness.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): A heart disease that can affect any breed of cat, but Devon Rex cats are known to have a predisposition.

Patellar Luxation: A common issue where the cat’s kneecap can dislocate or move out of its normal location.

Periodontal diseases: Devon Rexes are prone to dental diseases, so regular tooth brushing is vital.

Congenital hypotrichosis: Also known as hereditary baldness, it can cause these cats to lose their hair over time.

A proper diet is your first line of defense in maintaining your Devon Rex’s health. A balanced, protein-rich diet is essential and can reduce the risk of many common health problems.

Regular vet visits are recommended, as early diagnosis of potential issues can help mitigate more serious complications. Vaccines are a cornerstone of cat health, serving as a preventative measure against many common feline diseases.

Remember that every Devon Rex is unique, with its own set of needs and vulnerabilities. By providing the best care possible, you can enjoy the maximum amount of time with your furry friend, filled with purrs, cuddles, and playful leaps. Your Devon Rex is more than a pet, it’s a family member, and deserves all the love and care you can provide.

devon rex in the park
Photo: manonallard/Getty Images Signature


The Devon Rex, with its large eyes, short muzzle, and soft, curly hair, is quite the eye-catcher in the cat world. This unique breed first made its appearance in the 1960s in an area near a tin mine in Buckfastleigh, Devon, England.

The story goes that a feral tomcat with an unusual curly coat sired a litter of kittens, one of which, a brownish-black male, also exhibited the distinctive curly coat. This kitten, named Kirlee, was the first recognized Devon Rex.

Miss Beryl Cox, who discovered Kirlee, initially thought she had found a cousin of the Cornish Rex, a breed known for its curly coat which had been discovered a decade earlier. However, genetic testing revealed that the two breeds had entirely different mutations, which led to the creation of an entirely new breed – the Devon Rex.

The breed quickly gained popularity for its striking appearance, playful antics, and affectionate nature. Its distinctive look and personality caught the eye of cat fanciers around the world. In 1972, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) officially recognized the Devon Rex, and The International Cat Association (TICA) followed suit in 1979.

Today, the Devon Rex holds a special place in the hearts of cat lovers worldwide. Its large, expressive eyes, coupled with a playful and loving personality, make it a favorite among cat enthusiasts. As with any breed, knowing its history enriches our understanding and appreciation for the Devon Rex.

Breed Standard

A breed standard is a set of guidelines that describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breed standards are devised by breed clubs and recognized by various cat registries worldwide.

These standards provide detailed descriptions of the breed’s physical characteristics such as body shape, size, coat type and color, eye color and shape, ear placement, and tail length.

devon rex relaxing in the sunlight
Photo: insonnia/Getty Images


What is special about the Devon Rex cat breed?

The Devon Rex is a unique breed known for its pixie-like appearance and fun-loving nature. The most distinctive feature of the Devon Rex is its coat, which is characterized by short, curly, soft hair. This breed is also known for its large, expressive eyes and oversized ears.

Is the Devon Rex an indoor cat?

Yes, the Devon Rex is primarily an indoor cat. They are quite sociable and enjoy being around their human families. Additionally, their fine coats don’t provide much protection against harsh weather conditions, making indoor living preferable.

Is the Devon Rex a good cat?

Absolutely! Devon Rex cats are known for their playful, friendly, and affectionate nature. They love spending time with their human families and are great with children and other pets. They are also intelligent and can be trained to perform simple tricks.

Are Devon Rex cats destructive?

No breed of cat is inherently destructive; however, the Devon Rex is a very active and playful breed. If not provided with enough stimulation, they may resort to mischievous behavior. To keep them entertained, provide them with toys and play with them regularly.

How do Devon Rex cats interact with other pets?

Devon Rex cats are generally social and get along well with other pets. They enjoy playing and can adapt to the presence of other cats and dogs. However, like any pet, they should be introduced slowly and supervised until comfortable with the new companion.

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