Complete Guide on How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

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a man brushing a dog's teeth

Brushing your dog’s teeth might seem like a daunting grooming routine, both for you and your pet, especially if you’re just getting started. But, fear not! Just like any new routine, with a little patience, consistency, and plenty of rewards, your pup will soon get used to having their teeth brushed.

This guide will share easy, step-by-step instructions on how to brush your dog’s teeth, making the process easier for you and more enjoyable for your dog. Buckle up, and let’s embark on this journey towards a healthier, happier dog with a fresh and clean smile!

dog owner brushing his dog's teeth
Photo: pixelshot

The Importance of Dog’s Dental Care

Maintaining your dog’s dental hygiene isn’t just about fresh breath; it’s an integral part of their overall health. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from a variety of dental diseases, including gum disease and tooth decay, if their oral health is neglected.

It’s estimated that most dogs show signs of canine periodontal disease by just three years old. Left unchecked, poor dental health can lead to painful oral conditions and can even compromise your pet’s heart, liver, and kidneys.

Therefore, brushing your dog’s teeth is not just a cosmetic concern—it’s a critical preventive measure to curb potential health complications.

Gathering the Essential Supplies

To ensure you are adequately equipped for the task of brushing your dog’s teeth, it is essential to gather all necessary supplies in advance. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Dog Toothbrush: These are specially designed with softer bristles and an angled head to accommodate your dog’s mouth shape.
  2. Dog Toothpaste: Human toothpaste contains ingredients that can be harmful to dogs, so always be sure to use toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs. These usually come in flavors your pet will find appealing, like chicken or peanut butter.
  3. Finger Toothbrush (Optional): This small, rubbery tool slips onto the end of your finger and can be a great way to introduce your dog to the sensation of brushing.
  4. Dental Wipes for Dogs (Optional): These can be used as an additional aid in cleaning your dog’s teeth or as an alternative for dogs who absolutely refuse to endure brushing.

Remember, keeping these items on hand and maintaining a regular brushing routine will help prevent dental disease and contribute to your dog’s overall health.

a woman brushing her dog's teeth
Photo: Africa Images

Choosing the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste for your dog is an essential step in the process. Let’s delve into how you can make the best choices for your dog’s oral hygiene.

Choosing the Right Dog Toothbrush

Choosing the right toothbrush for your dog can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of their brushing routine.

Toothbrushes for dogs come in different sizes and designs. If your dog is a small breed, opt for a small toothbrush that can easily fit into their smaller mouth. Dogs from larger breeds will need a bigger toothbrush.

Moreover, the bristles should be soft enough to be gentle on your dog’s gums, yet sturdy enough to remove plaque effectively. Some dog toothbrushes are dual-headed, which can be useful for reaching both the front and back teeth simultaneously.

If your dog is uncomfortable with a regular toothbrush, a finger toothbrush can be a good alternative. Above all, it’s important to find a toothbrush that your dog is comfortable with to ensure a positive brushing experience.

Understanding the Differences Between Human and Dog Toothpaste

When it comes to oral health, human and dog toothpaste are not created equal. Human toothpaste often contains fluoride, which is extremely toxic to dogs. On the other hand, dog toothpaste is specifically formulated to be safe for dogs, and also contains enzymes that help combat plaque and tartar buildup.

Moreover, dog toothpaste usually comes in dog-friendly flavors, such as poultry or peanut butter, which make the brushing experience more pleasant for your pet.

Preparing Your Dog for Tooth Brushing

It’s crucial to gradually introduce your dog to the process of brushing their teeth to ensure that it becomes a positive and stress-free experience for them. Start by allowing your dog to get comfortable with having their mouth and teeth touched.

You can do this by gently lifting your dog’s lips and touching their teeth and gums with your fingers. Initially, your dog may resist, but with consistency and patience, they will gradually get used to it.

Make sure to reward them after each session with praises or their favorite treat, reinforcing the idea that teeth brushing is a positive activity.

Next, introduce the toothbrush and toothpaste. Allow your dog to sniff and lick the toothbrush and toothpaste to familiarize them with these new objects. Start by brushing one or two teeth at a time and gradually increase the number as your dog gets more comfortable with the process.

With time, patience, and consistency, brushing your dog’s teeth can become an enjoyable routine that contributes significantly to your pet’s overall health. But remember, every dog is different, so it’s essential to move at a pace that your dog is comfortable with.

dog ready for teeth brushing
Photo: RossHelen

Establishing a Calm and Positive Environment

Creating a peaceful atmosphere during the teeth brushing sessions is equally important. The environment plays a crucial role in how your dog reacts to getting their teeth cleaned.

Choose a quiet, comfortable location that is free from distractions. This could be a favorite spot in your home where your dog feels at ease.

Establishing a consistent routine around tooth brushing is also beneficial. Try to brush your dog’s teeth at the same time each day, such as after a walk when your dog is calm and relaxed. This routine will help your pet understand what to expect, further promoting a stress-free experience.

Just like humans, dogs too thrive on routines, and incorporating teeth brushing into your dog’s daily routine can contribute to making the process more manageable and enjoyable for both of you.

Proper Teeth Brushing Techniques

When it comes to brushing your dog’s teeth, using the correct technique is vital. Here, we’ll delve into the most effective strategies to ensure thorough cleaning while keeping your dog comfortable.

How to Hold the Toothbrush and Position Your Dog

When it comes to brushing your dog’s teeth, the first step is to ensure that both you and your dog are comfortable. You might find it easiest to have your dog sit beside you or have smaller dogs on your lap. Maintain a gentle yet firm grip on the toothbrush, holding it at a 45-degree angle to the teeth.

Step-by-Step Brushing Techniques

  1. Outer Surfaces: Start by brushing the outer surfaces of the teeth, the side that faces the cheek. Use gentle, circular motions to clean the entire surface. Pay particular attention to the back molars, which can be a hotspot for plaque and tartar build-up.
  2. Inner Surfaces: Brushing the inner surfaces can be a bit tricky, especially if your dog is still getting used to the process. Approach this step with patience. Gently lift your dog’s lip and brush the inner surfaces of the teeth, using the same circular motions.
  3. Upper and Lower Teeth: Don’t forget to brush both the upper and lower teeth. While the upper teeth often show more tartar, the lower teeth can also be prone to dental issues.
  4. Consistency is the Key: The whole process may take a few minutes. Be consistent and try to reach all the teeth, but remember to be gentle – the goal is to maintain a positive experience for your furry friend.

The best way to brush your dog’s teeth is the way that works for both of you. Experiment with different positions and techniques until you find a routine that feels comfortable.

With patience, practice, and lots of love, brushing your dog’s teeth can become a bonding experience that contributes to the health and happiness of your pet.

vet brushing a dog's teeth with dog tootbrush
Photo: ThamKC/Getty Images

Signs of Dental Issues to Watch For

Despite regular brushing, dogs may still develop dental problems. It’s essential to catch these issues early to prevent discomfort or more serious health concerns. Here are some signs that your dog might be experiencing oral health issues:

  • Bad Breath: While it’s normal for your dog to have slightly smelly breath, excessively foul odor could indicate bacterial buildup or gum disease.
  • Excessive Drooling: All dogs drool to some extent, but a sudden increase, especially with an unpleasant smell, could signal an oral health issue.
  • Changes in Eating Habits: If your dog seems to be eating less, having difficulty chewing, or dropping food from their mouth, this could be a sign of oral discomfort or dental disease.
  • Discolored, Broken, or Loose Teeth: Regularly check your dog’s teeth. Yellow or brown teeth, broken or loose teeth are not normal and should be checked by a veterinarian.
  • Red or Swollen Gums: This can be a sign of gingivitis or periodontal disease and should be addressed immediately to prevent further complications.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to contact your vet promptly. Regular brushing, professional dental cleanings, and routine check-ups can help maintain your dog’s oral health.

Frequency of Teeth Brushing

Ideally, you should brush your dog’s teeth daily, just like humans. However, a minimum of three times per week is often considered effective for preventing the most common dental problems.

The exact frequency may vary depending on your dog’s age, breed, and dental health. Puppies can be introduced to tooth brushing as soon as they have all their adult teeth, around 6 months of age.

Small breeds often require more frequent brushing as they are more prone to dental disease. Older dogs may have more sensitive gums or existing dental issues, requiring a softer approach but consistent care.

Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining your dog’s oral health. Regular brushing not only helps to remove plaque and prevent tartar build-up but also allows you to monitor your dog’s dental health closely.

Regular and consistent brushing also helps your dog get accustomed to the process, making it a routine part of their grooming.

dog getting her teeth brushed
Photo: Liliboas/Getty Images Signature

Dealing with Resistance and Challenges

If your dog resists having their teeth brushed or exhibits anxiety during the process, it’s crucial not to force them. Instead, gradually acclimate them to the practice. Here are a few strategies that may help ease the process:

  • Start Early: The earlier you introduce your dog to teeth brushing, the better. Puppies are generally more accepting of new experiences.
  • Be Patient: Don’t rush the process. Initially, you might just touch the toothbrush to their teeth. Gradually, as your dog becomes comfortable, you can start brushing.
  • Make it a Positive Experience: Associate tooth brushing with things your dog loves. You could reward them with a game, a walk, or a healthy treat after brushing.
  • Use Dog-Friendly Toothpaste: These come in flavors that dogs love. Letting them taste a bit before you start brushing can make the experience more enjoyable.
  • Try Different Brushes: If your dog resists a toothbrush, try a finger brush or dental wipes instead. These may feel less intimidating.

The goal is to make teeth brushing a regular part of your dog’s grooming routine. It might take some time, but with patience and persistence, many dogs learn to tolerate and even enjoy the process.

Alternatives to Teeth Brushing

While brushing your dog’s teeth remains the most effective method for maintaining oral hygiene, there are alternatives for those dogs who show resistance or anxiety.

Dental Chews

Dental chews are a popular alternative, and they come in a variety of forms, shapes, and flavors. These chews are designed to break down plaque and tartar as your dog chews them. Be sure to select a size and hardness appropriate for your dog’s size and chewing ability.


Interactive dental toys are another great option, one that encourages your dog to chew, thus promoting better dental health. Many of these toys have ridges and nubs that help clean the teeth and massage the gums, improving overall oral hygiene.

Specialized Diets

Finally, consider switching your dog to a specialized diet designed to promote oral health. Certain dog foods are formulated to reduce plaque and tartar. They often have larger kibble pieces to promote more robust chewing, which naturally helps clean your dog’s teeth.

Remember, even with these alternatives, regular check-ups with your vet are crucial to monitor your dog’s dental health.

a woman brushing her dog's teeth with a tootbrush
Photo: pixelshot

When to Seek Professional Dental Care

In addition to a regular home care routine, professional dental cleanings by a veterinarian are an important aspect of your dog’s oral health care plan. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from a host of dental problems such as plaque build-up, gum disease, tooth decay, and even loose or broken teeth.

You should seek professional dental care for your dog annually or if you notice signs such as bad breath, visible plaque or tartar, swollen or bleeding gums, difficulty eating, or changes in behavior. These may indicate a dental problem that requires professional attention.

During a professional dental cleaning, your dog will usually be put under general anesthesia. Then, the vet will conduct a thorough examination of your dog’s mouth, checking for any signs of disease or damage. This is followed by deep cleaning to remove plaque and tartar build-up, both above and below the gum line.

Afterwards, your dog’s teeth will be polished to smooth out any tiny scratches on the tooth surface that could attract bacteria. Finally, a fluoride or dental sealant may be applied to strengthen teeth and deter plaque.

Remember, while brushing your dog’s teeth at home is crucial, it cannot replace professional cleanings. Regular veterinary dental care ensures that your dog’s teeth and gums stay healthy and that any potential issues are dealt with promptly.


How can I make my dog more comfortable with tooth brushing?

Start by letting your dog get familiar with the toothbrush and toothpaste. You can also reward your dog with a treat or praise after each brushing session to create a positive association.

What are the signs that my dog may need dental care between regular check-ups?

Watch for symptoms such as bad breath, difficulty eating, changes in behavior, excessive drooling, swollen or bleeding gums, and visible plaque or tartar. If you observe any of these, seek professional dental care.

Can diet impact my dog’s dental health?

Yes, diet plays a crucial role in your dog’s dental health. A balanced diet with the right blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals can help maintain healthy teeth and gums. Some dental chews and kibble are specifically designed to reduce plaque and tartar build-up.

What’s the proper technique for brushing my dog’s teeth?

Lift their lip to expose the teeth and gently brush in a circular motion, paying particular attention to the gum line. Start with a few teeth at a time and gradually work your way up to brushing all of their teeth. Always remember to reward your pup with praise or a small treat after each successful brushing session.

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