How to Properly Clean Your Dog’s Ears

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a woman cleaning a dog's ear

One integral aspect of a dog’s grooming that often gets overlooked is their ears. A clean ear not only keeps your dog comfortable but also helps to prevent infections. If you’ve been pondering how to clean your dog’s ears but weren’t sure where to start, you’re in the right place!

This guide will walk you through the simple steps to ensure your dog’s ears remain clean and healthy. It’s easier than you think, and with our help, your dog will be thanking you in no time!

a woman cleaning a dog's ears
Photo: Capuski/Getty Images Signature

Why Ear Care Matters

When it comes to keeping our furry friends healthy and happy, ear care is an often overlooked but vital aspect. Regular ear checks and cleaning can make a world of difference for your dog’s comfort and well-being. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from a range of ear-related issues if their ears are neglected.

Infections are quite common in dogs, particularly in breeds with floppy ears. These can cause great discomfort and, if left untreated, may even lead to serious health complications. It’s not unusual for dogs to experience hearing loss as a result of chronic ear infections.

Regular ear care can help prevent these issues, ensuring your dog keeps their keen sense of hearing.

Gather the Necessary Supplies

To efficiently and safely clean your dog’s ears, you should have the following items on hand:

  1. Cotton Balls: Soft and absorbent, cotton balls are perfect for gently cleaning your dog’s ears without causing any discomfort.
  2. Ear Cleaning Solution: A vet-recommended ear cleaning solution is ideal. These solutions are specially designed to safely remove wax and debris from your dog’s ears.
  3. Treats: Rewarding your dog with their favorite treats after the cleaning process can make the experience more positive. This will help your dog associate ear cleaning with good things, making future cleaning sessions easier.

Before you start the ear cleaning process, ensure all the items are ready and within reach. Preparing these in advance helps you maintain a smooth and uninterrupted cleaning process, reducing any potential stress for your dog.

man cleaning his dog's ears
Photo: Ilona Shorokhova/Getty Images

Prepare Your Dog for the Ear Cleaning Process

Creating a serene and comfortable environment is crucial before starting the ear-cleaning process. Dogs can often be sensitive or nervous when it comes to ear care, and ensuring they are relaxed can make the process substantially smoother and less stressful for both you and your furry friend.

A comfortable environment allows your dog to feel secure, making them more receptive to the cleaning process.

Here are a few tips on how to establish a calm, stress-free atmosphere and create positive associations with ear cleaning:

  1. Choose a Quiet, Familiar Space: Carry out the cleaning process in a quiet, calm area of your home where your dog feels comfortable and safe. This prevents them from getting distracted or startled by sudden noises.
  2. Use Soft Tones: Speak to your dog in soft, comforting tones during the cleaning process. Your gentle voice can help soothe their nerves and create a tranquil ambiance.
  3. Maintain a Regular Cleaning Routine: By keeping a regular cleaning schedule, your dog will gradually recognize the routine and feel less anxious about the process.
  4. Provide Positive Reinforcements: Reward your dog with treats and praises before, during, and after the cleaning process. This helps build positive associations, making your dog more cooperative and enthusiastic about future cleaning sessions.

Remember, the goal is to make ear cleaning a pleasant experience for your dog. Patience and understanding are key in achieving this and will ensure your dog remains healthy and happy.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Dog’s Ears

Now that you’ve created a soothing environment, it’s time to proceed with the actual cleaning. Follow these steps to safely and effectively clean your dog’s ears:

  1. Gently Hold and Lift the Ear Flap: Begin by gently holding your dog’s head still and lifting the ear flap to expose the ear canal. It’s important to do this gently to prevent causing any discomfort or anxiety.
  2. Apply the Ear Cleaning Solution: Carefully apply a few drops of the ear cleaning solution and ensure that the solution enters the ear canal.
  3. Massage the Base of the Ear: Lightly massage the base of the ear for about 20-30 seconds. This helps the solution work its way down and dislodge any dirt or wax buildup.
  4. Allow Your Dog to Shake Their Head: Once you’ve massaged the solution in, let your dog shake their head. This will help bring the loosened debris out of the ear canal.
  5. Wipe the Visible Parts of the Ear Canal: Using a clean, dry cotton ball, gently wipe the outer area of the ear canal and the surrounding area to remove any excess solution or debris.
  6. Avoid Inserting Anything into the Ear Canal: It is crucial to avoid inserting cotton swabs or other objects into the ear canal, as this could lead to injury or further push the debris into the ear.

Reward your dog with a treat and heaps of praise after each step to keep the experience positive and stress-free!

a dog getting her ears cleaned
Photo: photographer/Getty Images

Look for Signs of Ear Problems

While cleaning your dog’s ears, it’s also essential to keep an eye out for signs of potential ear problems. These may include frequent head shaking or scratching at the ears, which could indicate discomfort or irritation.

Redness or swelling are other signs to look out for as they often suggest inflammation or infection. Another symptom to be aware of is a foul odor, which could be a sign of an underlying ear condition.

If you notice any of these symptoms while cleaning your dog’s ears, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible. Regular ear cleanings can help you notice these signs early and ensure your furry friend stays healthy and comfortable!

Addressing Special Cases and Breeds

Certain dogs, particularly those with floppy ears or breeds prone to ear infections, demand more meticulous ear care.

Floppy ears can trap moisture and limit air circulation, which can lead to a higher risk of infections. Breeds such as Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, and Labradors commonly face these issues. For these dogs, consider increasing the frequency of ear inspections and cleanings, and always be on the lookout for changes in ear health.

If your dog has sensitive skin, it’s crucial to find cleaning products specifically designed for this condition.

Opt for ear-cleaning solutions that are hypoallergenic and free of harsh chemicals to avoid irritation. Remember, any discomfort your dog feels could make them resistant to future cleanings, so be gentle and patient.

Regardless of your dog’s breed or specific needs, it’s always a good idea to consult with a vet before changing your routine. They can provide tailored guidance based on your dog’s individual health needs, ensuring that they receive the best possible care.

a man cleaning his dog's ears with a cotton pad
Photo: anastas_/Getty Images

When to Seek Professional Help

Some dog owners may prefer to entrust their pet’s ear cleaning to a professional groomer or veterinarian, especially if the dog is prone to ear issues or reacts negatively to home cleanings. This approach is completely valid and often advisable in such situations.

If your dog’s ears seem overly sensitive, have a persistent bad odor, or show signs of infection (like redness, swelling, or discharge), it’s time to seek professional help. Professionals have the expertise to handle more complex ear health situations and can provide treatment options for any underlying issues.

When choosing a professional, look for someone with positive reviews and a good reputation within your community. You can also ask for recommendations from fellow dog owners or your local vet.

Remember, your dog’s comfort and health are paramount, so it’s essential to find a professional who’s skilled, patient, and compassionate.


Are there specific breeds of dogs that are more susceptible to ear infections?

Yes, some breeds are more prone to ear infections than others, particularly those with floppy ears like Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels. This is because their ear structure can create a warm, moist environment that is ideal for the growth of bacteria and yeast.

Can I use human ear cleaning products on my dog?

It is not advisable to use human ear cleaning products on dogs as these may contain ingredients that are harmful to your pet. Always use products specifically designed for dogs to ensure their safety and well-being.

How often should I check my dog’s ears for signs of infection?

It’s recommended to check your dog’s ears at least once a week. Regular checks will help you spot any changes early, such as redness, swelling, or unusual discharge, which could be signs of an infection.

Will my dog experience discomfort during ear cleaning?

If done gently and correctly, ear cleaning should not cause your dog discomfort. However, if your dog appears to be in pain during the cleaning process, stop immediately and consult with a professional.

What can I do to make ear cleaning a positive experience for my dog?

Start slow, use treats and positive reinforcement to create a positive association with the process. Also, make sure to always use warm solutions as cold ones can be uncomfortable. If your dog continues to find the process distressing, consider seeking help from a professional groomer or a vet.

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